Download the New Titles Import Spreadsheet here.
Instructions for completing the spreadsheet:
- Please do not change any text in the column headers.
- Please do not merge any cells.
- Please use plain text only throughout (no HTML).
- For cells with prescribed data in dropdown menus, only use data found in those menus.
Column Heading- Instructions for how to complete
Master ISBN- If you are sending multiple editions of one title, please choose one of the ISBNs as the Master for all of the linked editions. This will link the titles in our database and in our Onix feeds to vendors. If you are submitting a new edition of a title that is already in our database, e.g., a paperback reprint, please add the previous edition ISBN as the Master.
ISBN- 13-digit ISBN with dashes. If you are submitting multiple editions of the same title, each edition will have its own row with the same Master in column A.
Title: Leave articles (A, The) at the beginning of the title. Do not move to the end with a comma separator.
Binding- This needs to be selected from the drop down list.
Dimensions- These should be entered in inches.
Initial Season: The season during which this edition will be published or was published. S for Spring (Jan-Jun), F for Fall (Jul-Dec) followed by two-digit year
Prices– Please enter at least a USD price. If you have GBP or EUR pricing, please enter those too (required for ebooks). Do not enter any currency symbols.
Language Code- Use standard ISO 3-letter codes. Separate codes with /.
Subjects- Please select two subjects (at least one) from the appropriate pair of columns – mililtary history (Casemate Publishers), general (Casemate IPM) or academic (Casemate Academic). You need only select subjects in one pair.
BIC/BISAC Codes- You can enter up to 10 codes in each column. Separate codes with semi-colons (no spaces).
Key Features- Enter one or two short descriptive sentences to summarize your book. Separate them with line breaks (Shift + Enter in Excel).
eBook Rights or Exclusions- Use ISO 2-letter codes, separated by semi-colons. Enter whichever list is shorter. So, if your ebook is available worldwide except Australia, you would enter AU in the exclusions column. If it is only for sale in the United States, you would enter US in the eBook Rights column. If both are blank, the ebook will be distributed worldwide.
Related Print Details- You do not need to fill these fields if we already sell a print edition of this ebook, and you have given the print book’s ISBN in the Master ISBN column.
Contributors- Please give as many details about contributors as you can. If they have a title, please put it in the Prefix column. If they have an honor of some kind, please enter it in the Suffix column. If you can include a biographical note, please do.